Grain Trailer Manufacturer to Boost Output by 75% Without New Hires

Case study by AMT Manufacturing Process Engineer Mike Ingles

AMT automation engineers provided analysis and recommendations to assist Nebraska grain trailer manufacturer Timpte in increasing throughput by 75% without increasing staff.

Click to download the grain trailer throughput case study.

Today’s manufacturing facilities face a wide range of production challenges, many of which can be addressed through process improvements, engineering improvements, design for manufacturability, and/or automation techniques/concepts that can help
streamline the process. Some companies may develop detailed solutions internally and only seek help with implementation while others may not have the expertise in-house to determine the best course of action to meet their business goals. For those customers in the latter category, AMT offers a Current State Manufacturing Analysis (CSMA) to identify possible solutions.

CHALLENGEAMT grain trailer throughput case study Timpte

Timpte, a commercial grain trailer body manufacturer, was producing 18 trailers a day in their Nebraska facility, running production with a single shift up to 5 days a week. Most of the manufacturing was done in-house, with several feeder lines providing  parts to the main production line. Timpte wanted to dramatically increase production, acknowledging that it was going to be a lengthy process to get the throughput they desired. The company set a mid-term goal of 25 trailers per day and
a final goal of 32 trailers per day, all to be completed without increasing headcount. To restate, Timpte planned a 75% increase in production without hiring additional staff.

Click below to download the grain trailer throughput case study.

Download the Grain Trailer Throughput Case Study


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