AMT Blog

Welcome Terry Kiesling: AMT’s New Logistics & Warehousing Expert

Written by AMT | May 30, 2024 1:20:46 PM

AMT is thrilled to welcome Terry Kiesling to our team as we expand into the logistics and warehousing sectors, including state-of-the-art AMR technology. With over 20 years of industrial sales experience, Terry brings a wealth of knowledge and a passion for innovation to our company. Her journey through the industry and the expertise and insights she has gained along the way will make her an invaluable asset to AMT and our clients.

"We are thrilled to welcome Terry to our team, where her expertise will play a pivotal role in driving the robot revolution forward," said Scott Kilpatrick, Vice President of Sales at AMT. "Terry's extensive experience in industrial automation solutions will be invaluable to our clients, especially in the warehousing and distribution sectors where she has deep domain experience and strong connections.”

Terry's Path to Industrial Automation

Terry's career in industrial sales began upstream on the process side of manufacturing. She spent about 12 years at Mettler Toledo, a company she fondly refers to as her “alma mater.” During her tenure there, she worked on both the service side, helping customers with maintenance and upkeep, and on the hardware manufacturing and software sides.

Driven by a fascination with robotics, Terry next transitioned to Red Lion, where she took her first steps into the world of automation, focusing on packaging and end-of-line processes. Red Lion offered a niche set of products that piqued her interest in robots as the future of the industry. When asked to address the common concern that robots are taking people’s jobs, she had this to say:

"Technology has been changing jobs for years. While some fear robots take jobs, they actually handle tasks that are repetitive, unsafe, or positions that are hard to fill. This shift allows humans to focus on more creative and strategic roles, enhancing job quality and satisfaction. Let creativity remain with people and let machinery handle the redundant, difficult tasks. This creates better jobs for people in the long run, especially given the current labor shortages."

From Red Lion, Terry moved to Omron, where she sold robots, vision systems, safety services, controls, and platforms. In this role, she began interfacing with many different integration companies, which she found particularly engaging.

“When I started selling robots and realized they require integration, I discovered that the integration part was the most interesting aspect for me. I wanted to focus more on that.”

This realization led her to AMT, where she can now concentrate on providing complete solutions and leverage her extensive experience, jumping into the world of automation and integration with both feet.

Embracing AMT’s Co-Creative Approach

At AMT, Terry appreciates the freedom and flexibility that comes with being vendor agnostic. Unlike her previous roles, where she was confined to selling a single company's products, at AMT, she can offer the best solutions tailored to each client's specific needs, regardless of whose technology it is. This shift has been very liberating for her as a salesperson.

"I'm thrilled to join this esteemed team at AMT,” said Kiesling. “It's truly inspiring to collaborate with such a highly skilled group who not only prioritize their customers but also foster a culture that values every member of the team. From internal dynamics to project delivery, attention to detail is paramount, making every initiative a testament to our commitment to excellence. Here, 'dynamic,' 'skillful,' and 'fun' aren't just words – they're the ethos that drives us forward, ensuring success at every turn."

ROBiN Technology: A Case Study in Co-Creation

With this newfound ability and freedom to create custom solutions for clients outside the constraints of vendor exclusivity, Terry is becoming immersed in AMT’s co-creative and consultative approach to delivering solutions. Rather than just assigning existing technology, most solutions with AMT’s customers result from customized collaboration based on the client’s particular needs and obstacles. Terry cites ROBiN Robotic Induction System as one of the best stand out examples of this:

“ROBiN technology is a great example of co-creation with a client. AMT worked with a multinational company that had issues with product packaging and palletizing. By collaborating closely with them, we identified the need to clean up the upstream processes to optimize the use of our technology. This collaboration allowed us to develop a solution that improved their throughput and efficiency significantly. It's all about working together to create the best possible outcome.”

Revolutionizing the Pharmaceutical Industry with ROBiN Technology

Beyond the co-creative approach, Terry is particularly excited about what ROBiN technology can bring to the pharmaceutical industry. Specifically, ROBiN’s ability to handle complex serialization processes ensures that counterfeit drugs are kept out of the market, protecting both consumers and manufacturers.

“Serialization in pharmaceuticals is crucial. ROBiN technology can ensure that each box of medication is tracked accurately, preventing counterfeit drugs from reaching consumers. This serialization is to the pharma industry what ‘track and trace’ is to the food industry. This capability is vital for maintaining the integrity of pharmaceutical products and safeguarding public health."

Why AMT: Exceptional Post-Sales Support

When asked what excites Terry the most about making her move to AMT, she points to the company’s exceptional service department, which she believes sets AMT apart in the industry. For her, it’s crucial to believe in the products she sells and to know that her team can support their customers fully.

"I'm a salesperson and a problem solver, and my entire reputation depends on doing a good job for my customers. If I can't deliver, then I shouldn't be there.”

She elaborates further:

"The number one reason I moved to AMT is their exceptional post-sales support. Throughout my career, I've worked on many projects with integrators, and they often fell apart after the sale. You make it to the finish line, deliver the product, and then there's a problem which hampers repeat business.

“AMT is different. They have an incredibly smart approach, creating a dedicated services team with around 80 to 90 technicians who deeply understand the process. When you can sell a product and provide outstanding post-sale support, you greatly enhance the chance of maintaining long-term business relationships. This is something most technology providers and integrators struggle with, but AMT excels at. Their model is very impressive."

Terry's Strategic Approach to Customer Success

Terry’s success is built on a foundation of strategic planning and deep customer understanding. She emphasizes the importance of researching customers to understand their automation needs and objectives before any meetings.

“I always research my customers to understand the drivers for their automation needs before any meetings. This allows me to provide a comprehensive plan that meets their objectives.”

She focuses on key questions such as:

  • What are the reasons they are looking to automate?
  • What is their timeframe?
  • What is the extended plan for automation over the next five years?

By understanding her customers' challenges in detail, Terry ensures that she can “over deliver” a solution. Building a relationship based on trust and clear communication is one of her most important objectives.

“Clear communication upfront helps set proper expectations. Aftermarket planning, including services and spare parts, is just as important as planning the solution-creation phase. You need your solution to function as well on day 365 as on day one.”

Beyond Work: A Glimpse into Terry's Personal Life

Outside of work, Terry is an avid gardener and animal lover who enjoys spending time outdoors. She and her husband are passionate travelers, having explored various parts of Asia, Europe, and South America. Terry’s dedication to excellence extends to her personal life, where she embraces her self-proclaimed “Type A+” personality by always going the extra mile in everything she does.

Terry Kiesling’s extensive experience and innovative mindset make her a perfect fit for AMT as we venture into the logistics and warehousing sectors. Her commitment to co-creating solutions with our customers and ensuring exceptional post-sales support aligns with AMT’s dedication to excellence. We are excited to see the impact Terry will have on our team and our clients’ success.

Read this article about Terry joining AMT.

To learn more about our innovative solutions and how we can help your business,  contact us today.