AMT Engineers Celebrate with Chili Cookoff, Loser Demands Recount

To celebrate the cooler Michigan weather and upcoming holidays, AMT’s Advanced Engineering Solutions Group recently organized their 2019 Chili Cookoff. Six engineers participated, submitting chili which ranged from mild to sign-a-disclaimer spicy. Grilled cheese sandwiches were also served, along with a range of chili toppings.
Lunch attendees voted for their favorite chili via a “super-secret” ballot, and it was determined that Kelly’s chili, designated with the letter “C” was the most outstanding entry of the day. Upon hearing the verdict, Mike Ingles demanded a recount, describing the event as “fixed.” It should be noted that Mr. Ingles’ chili placed last.
The Chili Cookoff prize was a custom-designed and 3D-printed trophy, created by the multi-talented Jason Markesino. Per contest rules, Kelly is required to display the trophy on her desk until the new year.
Watch the video below to see the entries and winner, Kelly Chalmers.